V e n tricle s
S ections
S pinal cord
Pathw ays
Projection tracts
Gyrus precentralis
Sulcus parietooccipitalis
Corpus callosum,
Corpus geniculatum
Sulcus calcarinus
Pedunculus cerebellaris médius
Tractus pyramidalis, Fibrae corticospinales
Corpus callosum, Truncus
Gyrus cinguli
Sulcus corporis callosi
Corpus callosum, Genu
Capsula interna, Crus anterius
Capsula interna, Genu
Tractus opticus
Pedunculus cerebri
Fig. 544
Projection tracts, Neurofibrae projectionis;
the internal capsule and the pyramidal tract have been exposed;
viewed from the left.
Radiationes thalami
Radiatio optica
Tractus corticospinalis lateralis
Tractus corticospinalis anterior
Gyrus precentralis**
Sulcus centralis
Tractus frontopontinus
Fibrae parietopontinae;
Fibrae occipitopontinae
Medulla oblongata
Decussatio pyramidum
Radiatio acusllca
Fibrae temporopontinae
Fig. 545
Internal capsule, Capsula interna, and pyramidal tract,
Fibres to the tectal plate and the nuclei of the hindbrain
Tractus pyramidalis;
** Perikarya of the pyramidal tract
functional overview;
*” Perikarya of areas 6 and 8 (premotor cortex)
viewed from the left.
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